Energy policy shows the Tories are still a party for the rich – Yorkshire Post Letters

From: Martin J. Phillips, Tinshill Lane, Leeds.

Although she has only had the job for a few weeks, the new Prime Minister is clearly sticking to the Tory motto ‘Of the rich, by the rich, for the rich’.

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Rather than capping the profits of the energy companies, the system the government is planning to adopt to help families and businesses with their energy bills is focused on ensuring that the energy companies and their (rich) shareholders continue to make excessive profits.

If the government chooses to support families and businesses financially, it will simply be a back-door way of giving taxpayers money (public funds) to private individuals - the shareholders.

Energy prices have shot up in recent months. PIC: Andrew Matthews/PA WireEnergy prices have shot up in recent months. PIC: Andrew Matthews/PA Wire
Energy prices have shot up in recent months. PIC: Andrew Matthews/PA Wire

Since energy companies have been making record profit even before the price increases, what the government should have done was reverse the increase in the price caps and go back to the figure of £1160. The energy companies and their shareholders do not actually need any more income. It is simply greed that controls their structure.