Organised by the community, the annual event will run from Saturday, August 12 until Sunday, August 20.
The festival has been running in Kettlewell, a village sitting on the Dales Way, dates back to 1994.
The Yorkshire Post’s Tony Johnson headed over to Kettlewell to get a sneak preview of the villager’s creations.

. Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival
Di Blakey-Williams prepares the characters for this weekends Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival. Photo: Tony Johnson

1. Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival
Di Blakey-Williams prepares the characters for this weekends Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival. Photo: Tony Johnson

2. Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival
Creations in St Mary's Church for Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival. Photo: Tony Johnson

4. Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival
Jean Briggs in St Mary's Church preparing creations. Photo: Tony Johnson