YP Letters: We are wiser about realities of leaving EU

From: Mary Hellawell, Cross Lane, Scarborough.

THE trouble with Brexit, and all the divided opinions, is that what we voted for or against does not exist. Promises, extra money, freedom from Europe, control of this and that. Most people got the impression that we would just walk away.

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The cost was never mentioned. Now we are all a lot wiser. The reality of Brexit, in fact, is very different. Many people now regret voting to leave Europe. The youngsters who are the ones who will be most affected are mostly opposed to Brexit.

It’s time to face up to reality. Stop being stubborn Theresa May and let’s have a second vote.

From: John Fisher, Menwith Hill.

A RECENT letter to The Yorkshire Post reminding the EU negotiator, Michel Barnier, of our part in the Second World War demonstrates how out of touch with reality the Brexiteers are.

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Brexit has clearly demonstrated the complex world of trade which underlies the EU. Throwing insults at the remaining 27 EU countries will not get us out of the ever increasing complex problems.

The choice is simple – we can return to the stability of the EU or take a chance with an extreme left-wing Labour government on a huge spending spree.

Had a quarter of the problems now facing this country been put to the electorate during the referendum, a vote to leave would have been unlikely.

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The time has come to make a decision. If the politicians do not have the nerve, then the people will have to decide.

From: Mr L Brook, Rosewood Court, Rothwell, Leeds.

WHY have we abandoned democracy? We should not be involved in any negotiations with the EU. The referendum asked the public to make one of two choices – leave or remain in the EU. The possible consequences of either choice were not brought into the equation.

If Ireland is content to continue as a European state, then it must sort out its border problem.

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It is Ireland which is breaking up the UK. It is both insulting and undemocratic of the MPs who are creating opposition to the departure, and of the Government which is arranging a “part in – part out” deal.

From: Nick Martinek, Briarlyn Road, Huddersfield.

WITH the Cabinet backing Theresa May’s revolving-door Remain (the “Chequers” plan), and Labour doing the EU’s job by demanding another referendum until we get the “right” answer, where can Leave voters go? It is now apparent that Ukip is the only significant party willing to implement the Leave outcome decided in the 2016 referendum.

If the outcome is one where the UK is still tied to the EU, it is not Leave. Re-defining Leave to be even a partial Remain is a rejection of the democratic vote.

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It’s that simple. The Remain majority MPs in Parliament are playing with fire.

From: Mr PL Taylor, Milner Street, Lockwood, Huddersfield.

POLITICIANS seem to very much rely on their public relations advisers to put on a convincing show in the media. I would vote enthusiastically for any politician, of any political party, if I felt they were expressing their own original thinking.

Pioneers of recycling

From: Raymond Barry, Long Lane, Laytham, York.

ON recycling, the woollen industry from which I retired, can surely rest on its record, ably abetted by the heavy woollen industry’s work in reclaiming used garments for re-spinning, ‘garnetting’ was a term applicable to some of their processes for returning fabric to fibre.

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Non-textile people learned the difference between a worn-out cashmere garment and other detritus. Not a single scruffy or torn cashmere was destined for landfill. They were almost liquid money and consistently brought back to fibres for re-spinning as part of a blend.

This old recycler was delighted to recently spot a product that holds the promise of replacing most of the plastic wrappings we find surrounding our groceries.

Simply made from spuds, it is a biodegradable film made from potato-starch. It looks like becoming a commercial success and one into which farmers can happily join.

Missing the point

From: Thomas Reed, Harrogate.

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LEEDS Council leader Judith Blake’s piece on the relationship between towns and cities (The Yorkshire Post, September 24) left me confused.

What point was she trying to make? Such muddled thinking doesn’t bode well for the One Yorkshire deal.

Don’t let him off the hook

From: Clifford Bowen, Otley.

FOR the first time in months, there was no mention of Chris Grayling in Tom Richmond’s Saturday column (The Yorkshire Post, September 22).

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I hope he’s not going soft – the Transport Secretary is unfit for purpose and the pressure must be kept up until he is forced out of office.

Pleasure of written word

From: Cynthia Huntington, Aldreth Grove, York.

CORRESPONDENT Mrs L Holroyd asks (The Yorkshire Post, September 24) “do men write letters?” Indeed they do!

My brother writes each week to me. He is an excellent letter writer using his favourite fountain pen.

I write to family and friends on a regular basis, along with notes and cards to cheer and encourage.

I echo Mrs Holroyd’s hopes that letter writing will continue. It is one of life’s pleasures.