YP Letters: What if Churchill had shaped post-war world?

How would post-war history have differed if Winston Churchill had won the 1945 election?How would post-war history have differed if Winston Churchill had won the 1945 election?
How would post-war history have differed if Winston Churchill had won the 1945 election?
From: Arthur Quarmby, Mill Moor Road, Meltham.

HAS any historian ever considered how different the post-war world would have been if, as expected by the world, Winston Churchill had been re-elected to power instead of being replaced by the nonentity Clement Attlee?

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Churchill’s prestige was enormous, eclipsing that of the other world leaders, and would certainly have been sufficient to have ensured an orderly 
and carefully-considered dismantling of the British Empire – resulting perhaps 
in a united India, and avoiding the prevalence of beastly dictators in so many African countries.

Israel and the Middle East might have evolved in a more orderly manner and the 
long-running rivalry between Russia and the West might 
have been shown to be unnecessary.

One could never do more 
than speculate, but at least 
we perhaps ought to consider how Churchill was rewarded 
for preserving Britain from fascism.

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