The Yorkshire Post crossword answers on Monday, June 15, 2020

Here are the answers for The Yorskhire Post crossword which was published on June 15, 2020.
SOLUTION to Peter Chamberlain No. 865:
Across - Across - 6 Forester, 8 Tyrant, 9 Ugh, 10 Corncrib, 11 Run dry, 12 Talk of the town, 15 Awry, 18 Samba, 19 Toed, 21 Transparently, 24 Shelve, 25 Overtone, 26 Lek, 27 Funnel, 28 Retainer.
Down - 1 Co-host, 2 Vernal, 3 Grub, 4 Bring out, 5 Infringe, 7 Tortoiseshell, 8 Three-day event, 13 Ayr, 14 Tampa, 16 Watchful, 17 Yearling, 20 Oil, 22 Titbit, 23 Yonder, 25 Okra.