YP Letters: Tough questions over criticism of BBC journalist

Laura Kuessenberg is the Political Editor of the BBC.Laura Kuessenberg is the Political Editor of the BBC.
Laura Kuessenberg is the Political Editor of the BBC.
From: Brian Sheridan, Lodge Moor, Sheffield.

I THINK the reasons for TV journalist Laura Kuenssberg’s unpopularity with some readers are three-fold: she is not on a charm mission, she works for the BBC and she is a woman.

Jeremy Paxman got away with his aggression to some extent, even acquiring the almost affectionate sobriquet “Paxo” while Channel 4’s Krishnan Guru-Murthy can be a real handful.

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We have been excoriating our MPs for not doing their job properly, then when a BBC journalist comes along and goes for the jugular we don’t like it. Interestingly, some of the most spiteful criticism of Kuenssberg has come from female readers.

From: Raymond Barry, Long Lane, Aughton, York.

I HAD no idea of Laura Kuessenberg’s identity when the Prime Minister was in front of her some time ago. I certainly made sure of her identity subsequently since this was clearly someone with zero idea of her relationship with her subject and common courtesy.

What I have since learned confirmed my first impression – that she would be better serving society in a job where rudeness and ignorance of her position vis-à-vis any interviewee are desirable professional traits.