A Level results: The Grammar School at Leeds

A-level resultsA-level results
A-level results
The Yorkshire Post's A-Level results service

M Abedin econ, eng lit, gov and polits; S Adams des tech, geog*, maths; L Adler chem*, econ*, maths*; B Agaoglu eng lit, hist, theat studs*; F Ahmad chem, eng lit, hist; F Ahmed busi studs, psychol, rel studs; S Ahmed biol**, chem**, fren**, maths**; T Altman econ, geog, maths; L Ambrosino chem*, geog, maths*; E Appleby econ, geog**, maths*; A Arshad eng lang, gov and polits, psychol; T Arshad biol, chem, econ*; C Aston busi studs, pe, psychol; E Bainbridgebiol, chem, econ; M Bang econ*, gov and polits, psychol*; W Barker biol, econ, maths**, frth maths*; T Barrass econ**, geog, gov and polits*; O Barry comp, maths*, mus*; S Basu biol*, chem*, maths*; J Baxter biol, pe, psychol; A Bellbusi studs, eng lang, gov and polits; O Bell geog*, gov and polits*, hist; T Bell econ, geog*, maths; L Benson biol, geog, pe; M Berry busi studs, econ, geog; S Berson biol**, chem**, maths**; H Bhogal chem, econ*, maths; K Bhogal eng lit, hist, rel studs*; K Birch geog, pe, psychol; R Birch geog, hist, pe; C Booth busi studs, fren, maths; A Bradley biol, chem, geog*; H Brandao-Lee econ, geog, span; H Bruce eng lang*, pe, psychol**; L Buono geog*, gov and polits*, hist*;

R Bush econ*, fren*, germ, hist; E Butler art and des**, geog*, psychol**; Y Cant biol, chem, maths; B Capps busi studs, geog, rel studs; D Carr des tech, geog*, hist*; C Cavill gov and polits*, maths*, span*; L Chapman biol, chem*,maths*; H-S Cheung econ, eng lit*, rel studs*; I Clapson eng lit*, fren**, rel studs; L Clark chem*, maths**, phys*; J Coates econ*, geog, hist; H Cornish biol*, chem, rel studs; M Crisp chem*, maths**, frth maths**, phys*; P Curranart and des, maths, phys; D Davies busi studs*, eng lang, hist; T Davis chem**, maths**, phys*; M Dhar chem**, maths**, frth maths**, phys**; A Dhesi biol**, chem**, hist*; J Dhesi busi studs, eng lit, pe; H Downie econ*, geog*, maths**, frth maths*; A Eade econ*, eng lang, hist*; W Ellis econ*, geog*, hist*; J Emmitt econ*, geog*, maths; L Ewin eng lang, eng lit, psychol*; A Farooq biol, chem, econ; A Fearn econ, eng lit, geog*; A Fearon busi studs, rel studs, theat studs; L Fellerman econ*, maths**, span*; N Fenn des tech, geog, hist; L Fields eng lit, gov and polits, psychol; J Finfer biol**, eng lit**, psychol*; N Foster geog*, psychol**, rel studs*; S Foster eng lit*, fren, psychol; E Francas-Mellorfren**, germ**, maths*; R Fraser chem, geog, theat studs; H Freeman biol, eng lang, psychol; L Freeman biol*, chem*, maths*; E Fuller busi studs, maths*, pe*; L Gallagher chem*, maths*, psychol*; R Gara biol*, geog, maths*; T Garnettbusi studs, des tech, eng lit; K Gill econ*, eng lit* maths; J-M Goldberg eng lit, psychol*, rel studs*; P Goldstone eng lit, psychol, rel studs; C Gorringe art and des**, eng lit*, psychol**; J Greathead chem**, maths**, frth maths**, phys**; D Green gov and polits**, hist**, rel studs*; M Greenall eng lit*, hist*, psychol*; E Grimshaw econ*, geog*, psychol*; M Groves fren, lat, span; E Guildford biol,eng lit, geog**; T Guinness class civil*, hist*, lat**; G Hall biol, pe, psychol*; J Halliday busi studs*, geog, psychol; V Handa chem*, maths, phys*; R Hardless econ**, geog**, gov and polits*, hist*; C Hargreaves eng lit*, fren*, geog**; C Harmer biol**, chem*, econ*; J Harris chem, comp*, maths*; R Harris geog, pe*, psychol; T Harris biol**, chem*, geog*; J Harrison busi studs, gov and polits, psychol; P Harrison econ*, geog*, gov and polits*; N Hendron busi studs, psychol, theat studs; O Houseman art and des**, eng lang**, eng lit**; A Huff chem*, maths*, phys**; A Hussain biol*, chem*, maths, phys; H Iqbal biol, chem, psychol; C Jackson econ*, eng lit, germ; M Jamieson econ*, eng lit*, hist*, maths*;

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M Jeavons econ, geog*, pe*; J Jerome econ*, gov and polits**, maths*; J Jiangchem**, econ*, maths**, frth maths**; S Johnston biol, psychol*, theat studs*; W Jones econ*, geog**, phys; A Kadiri biol, chem*, maths*; J Kearney biol, econ, maths; J Kendall econ*, maths*, phys; Z Khalid biol, chem, maths; I Khaneng lit, hist, span; O Khan econ, eng lit, phys; S Khan busi studs, gov and polits, rel studs; E Kracik-Dyer art and des*, biol**, chem*, maths*; N Kunin geog*, maths*, frth maths**, phys*; H Kwan econ*, eng lit*, maths*; M Lee chem**, maths**, mus**; A Lethenyey chem*, maths**, frth maths*, phys*; J Levine germ*, maths**, frth maths*, phys*; D Li chem, geog, maths; H Li econ*, maths**, frth maths**, phys*; J Littler biol, hist, psychol; K Lodhi chem**, maths**, frth maths**, phys*; C Lu chem*, econ, maths*; A Mann econ*, eng lit*, maths*; S Marquaye chem, maths*, frth maths*, phys*; A Marsden biol*, econ*, maths*; G Marshall geog*, maths*, phys*; W McLean busi studs*, econ, maths; T Mhlanga econ, gov and polits, psychol*; M Millar econ*, gov and polits*, maths; W Miller busi studs, econ, eng lit; J Mitchell busi studs, gov and polits, rel studs; A Moore eng lit, gov and polits*, hist**; B Moore eng lang, food tech, psychol; E Mulhaire biol*, chem*, maths; A Munot chem**, econ*, maths**, frth maths**; L Munro econ**, fren**, maths**; A Narayan comp*, maths**, frth maths*, phys*; H O’Garra fren, gov and polits, span*;

C Olutayo-Daniels biol, chem, econ; A Oswal econ**, hist*, maths**, frth maths**; M Palmer biol, hist, psychol; T Pang econ, maths, psychol; C Paschali eng lit, geog**, gov and polits*; E Pawley biol*, chem*, span**; E Peach class civil**, geog, hist; J Pellowclass civil, des tech, maths; M Pollard gov and polits, hist, rel studs; A Porter fren*, rel studs**, span**; L Poskitt biol**, chem*, maths**; W Priestley econ*, geog*, gov and polits*; F Pye biol**, chem*, maths*; A Raheem biol, chem, geog**; A Rajgopal biol**, chem**, span**; S Rehman busi studs, geog, psychol; J Richmond gov and polits**, hist*, rel studs**; L Richmond busi studs, geog*, hist; T Robinson biol**, chem**, maths**; J Rooney econ**, maths**, phys*; S Ryatt gov and polits*, psychol*, theat studs; M Sandle chem*, maths*, phys; O Sapier econ*, psychol*, theat studs; G Scobie eng lit, fren*, hist*, maths**, theat studs*; S Seldon chem*, maths**, frth maths*, phys*; A Shah biol*, chem*, maths*; H Shahid biol**, chem*, span*; I Share eng lang**, maths*, psychol*; F Siraj chem, econ*, maths; M Sivoglo biol, chem, span*; S Smalley econ, geog*, maths; E Smith eng lang, rel studs, span; H Smith eng lang, geog, food tech; M Sonwalkar econ*, maths**, frth maths**, phys**; M Srao eng lit, gov and polits, hist; L Stead pe, psychol, rel studs;

T Stevenson econ*, geog*, gov and polits*; E Stocks hist, lat, psychol; N Taha biol**, chem*, maths*; E Tanna-Fenton germ, psychol; C Taylor eng lit*, geog*, hist*; J Taylor eng lang, eng lit, hist; G Thackray busi studs, hist, rel studs*; P Thaker biol, chem*, maths**, frth maths; L Tonge-Ward eng lang*, maths*, psychol*; M Toogood hist*, maths*, psychol*; Y Tufail chem, econ, maths; S Tyagi biol**, chem*, maths; J Van Marken biol, chem, geog**; M Vautrey econ*, gov and polits*, hist*; J Waind busi studs, des tech, geog; D Walker econ*, geog*, gov and polits; H Walker hist, pe, psychol; J Wan chem, maths, psychol; A Wheeler mus, psychol, rel studs; M White hist**, psychol*, rel studs*; E Whiteside econ*, geog, maths; G Whittaker-Thompson food tech**, psychol, rel studs; C Wicks des tech*, econ*, maths; T Wilkinson eng lit, geog**, gov and polits; S Winter eng lang, eng lit, gov and polits; P Winterbottom art and des, eng lang, maths; J Wood eng lit**, geog*, hist**; J Woodward class civil**, geog*, hist*; A Wrona eng lang, eng lit, psychol; T Wu maths*, frth maths, phys; J Xiu biol**, chem*, maths**; A Yeadon eng lit**, gov and polits*, hist*; S Young econ*, hist, psychol*; N Zia biol**, chem*, rel studs**; E Zugic biol*, chem, geog*; M Zywicki biol*, maths**, phys**.


Grade A passes marked by an asterisk (*); Grade A-star passes marked by two asterisks(**). Accounting - account; Ancient history - anc history; Applied art and design - apld art and des; Applied art and design (dble award) - apld art and des2; Applied business - apld busi; Applied business (dble award) - apld busi2; Applied ICT - apld ict; Applied ICT (double) - apld ict2; Applied performing arts - apld perform arts; Applied science - apld sci; Arabic - arab; Archeology - arc; Art - art; Art and Design - art and des; Bengali - beng; Biology - biol; Biology and Human Biology - biol and hum biol; Business Studies - busi studs; Chemistry - chem; Chinese - chin; Classical Civilisation - class civil; Communication Studies - com studs; Computing - comp; Critical Thinking - crit think; Dance - dance; Design and Technology - des tech; Drama and theatre studies - dram and theat studs; Economics - econ; Economics and business studies - econ and busi studs; Electronics - elect; English Lang - eng lang; English Lang and Lit - eng lang and lit; English lit - eng lit; Environmental Science - environ sci; Film studies – film; Fine Art – fine art; French - fren; Further Maths - frth maths; General studies - gen studs; Geography - geog; Geology - geol; German - germ; Government and politics - gov and polits; Graphics communication - graphic com; Gujerati - guj; Health and Social Care - health and soc c; Health and Social Care (double award) - health and soc c2; Human biology - hum biol; History - hist; History of art - hist art; Home Ec - home ec; ICT - ICT; Latin - lat; ; Law - law; Leisure studies - leis studs; Leisure studies (double award) - leis studs2; Maths – maths; Maths (further additional) – F A maths; Media Studies - med studs; Music - mus; Music technology - mus tech; Panjabi - panj; Performance studies - perf studs; Performing arts - perf arts; Philosophy - philos; PE – pe; Photography - photy; Physics – phys; Product Design – prod des; Psychology - psychol; Religious Studies – rel studs; Russian - russ; Science - sci; Science in Society - Sci Soc; Sociology - sociol; Spanish - span; Sport abd Physical Education - sport and pe; Statistics – stats; Textiles - textiles; Theatre Studies - theat studs; Travel and Tourism - trav and tour; Travel and Tourism (double award) - trav and tour2; Urdu - urdu