Planning protesters are not Nimbys and must be taken more seriously by Yorkshire councils – Yorkshire Post Letters

Should flood plains in the West Riding be built on?Should flood plains in the West Riding be built on?
Should flood plains in the West Riding be built on?
From: Rod Fisher, Mirfield.

WHEN will our local councillors and MPs realise that they should fully represent and support the views of their electors and not act in accordance with their personal views? The recent housing development application for land adjoining Granny Lane, Mirfield, brought overwhelming well-founded protest from residents. The land is subject to regular flooding as it forms part of a historic flood plain.

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There would be further loss of attractive green space, the narrow and winding access roads are totally unsuitable for the additional volume of traffic likely to be created, and the development could alter the path of existing watercourses. Yet, the application has been bulldozed through.

Should local residents have a greater say over the location of new houses?Should local residents have a greater say over the location of new houses?
Should local residents have a greater say over the location of new houses?

The proposed housing development at Northorpe, Mirfield, is another contentious matter. It would irreparably damage the character and identity of a historic hamlet. Their views should prevail.

Why are our local and other Kirklees councillors not speaking up against such developments and mirroring the overwhelming view of their electors? This is not how democracy should work.

Only time will tell, but if our local councillors and MPs continue to ride roughshod
over their electors, they should
expect to be removed at the next ballot!