YP Letters: A warm welcome to fracking

Fracking is resuming in Lancashire.Fracking is resuming in Lancashire.
Fracking is resuming in Lancashire.
From: Dick Lindley, Altofts, Normanton.

HOW reassuring to see the commencement of fracking in the UK at long last. With an estimated 500 years of fracked gas, we are assured of cheap energy for the foreseeable future for the citizens of the UK.

No longer will we be beholden to the whims of gangster states for the gas we so desperately need. No longer will we be subject to crazy energy prices which are ruining ordinary working people as they desperately try to warm their houses to comfortable levels.

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Not only will we be able to warm ourselves but we will be able to earn billions by exporting gas, thereby ensuring the next generation can live in a country which is properly resourced, without the need to borrow untold billions.

I cannot understand the eco-warriors and their attempts to try and prevent this bonanza from happening, perhaps they will be happy shivering in their caves when we are unable to obtain affordable supplies of gas, but personally I prefer to be warm, solvent and living in the style to which we have all become accustomed.

Let the fracking commence.

From: David Cragg-James, Stonegrave, York.

TO frack or not to frack? As Cuadrilla frack Lancashire, again, the question is answered. The nation and planet will suffer, as though Hamlet got his own first choice, the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”, a choice which lamentably will lead, if proliferation takes place, to his alternative choice – “not to be”.

Except that the nation did not so choose. Where the public thought it had a choice through consultations, presentations, planning processes, hearings, examinations in public and surveys, it decided overwhelmingly against. Ministers chose to ignore a scientific, economic, social and moral consensus to follow the lead of those fossil fuel companies to which it is in thrall, heedless of the probable devastating cost to the environment and the future of us all.

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Blinded by Brexit and by economic problems, it has reached for that elusive and unattainable ‘quick buck’, seeking all the time, Trump-like, to render its undemocratic actions irreversible. We can continue, passive, to observe. Or, we can shout, enough “tis a consummation devoutly to be wished”.

In stark contrast

From: AW Clarke,Louth.

AN interesting example of our change in values. The local TV programme reported a moving story about the soldiers from Walkington who had lost 
their lives in the First World War being commemorated by silhouettes being placed around the village in the vicinity of their homes.

Each character was carrying the inscription, “This is (name) who lived near this place and was loved”. I was moved to tears.

The following TV item was about how Tony Jacklin should receive a honour because he had done so much for the country.

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Much as I admire his prowess as a golfer, I think one could be forgiven for thinking that he was, no doubt, well rewarded for his success.

The soldiers, however humble, had given their lives for their country.

From: John Appleyard, Firthcliffe Parade, Liversege.

TWO events highlighted the inequality that exists in this country.

First, the recommendation that senior judges be given an annual pay rise of almost £60,000, even though the Tory government has said in the past that no public employee should be paid more than the Prime Minister.

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Secondly, the taxpayer has stumped up £2m for a Royal wedding of the ninth in line to the throne, Princess Eugenie, who is hardly known to anyone outside Royal circles.

Poor example on flood risk

From: John R Goodman, Drainage Consultant (retired), Grove Close, Beverley.

I HAVE read in The Yorkshire Post that a group of Swedish officials have visited Hull to learn about flood protection from Hull City Council.

The two schemes which they visited were the Willerby and Derringham Flood Alleviation Scheme, and the Hull Tidal Surge Barrier.

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These two schemes, I believe, represent examples of some of the many faults on the schemes which have been carried out, and are still being worked on throughout the area.

These errors include hugely expensive excavation works, destruction of good land, and a failure to incorporate other flood risks in the areas.

Spending in the Humber region on water-related schemes must be around £2bn by now.

Even so, residents and business owners in Hull are being encouraged to install their own flood protection.

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It is the duty of the council to carry out flood protection.

Regretfully the present works will not provide anything like the level of protection which is required.

HS2 ‘s trail of destruction

From: Arthur Quarmby, Mill Moor Road, Meltham.

LONDON and the Establishment wanted HS2, so despite national opposition, this extravagant 
and damaging project is going right ahead – with even individual buildings in Leeds now being identified for demolition (The Yorkshire Post, October 12).

HS2 was promoted as being for the benefit of the North – as were the similar cross-country projects in France and in Japan.

But in both those cases the new line drew away talent and investment from the provinces to the capital. This one will follow that pattern, to our great loss.