YP Letters: Blair must face justice over his actions in Iraq

Tony Blair is facing calls to face charges of war crimes.Tony Blair is facing calls to face charges of war crimes.
Tony Blair is facing calls to face charges of war crimes.
From: Phil Hanson, Beechmount Close, Baildon, Shipley.

TONY Blair misled the nation with a thirst to embark on a war in Iraq. On behalf of all those who died and whose lives have been wrecked as a direct result of the Bush-Blair invasion, I would like to see this man face justice and be dealt with accordingly (The Yorkshire Post, July 7).

The instability across the globe as a direct result of Blair’s actions demands that he faces the day of reckoning.

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His legacy is up there alongside the worst dictators in terms of lives wrecked and nothing will change unless he answers for his actions.

From: Paul Emsley, Hellifield.

THE politicians should have demanded the release of the Chilcot report on the anniversary of the start of the Battle of the Somme.

That way, we could have demanded a joint memorial to Douglas Haig and Tony Blair; both of whom sent their Armed Forces to die, based on false intelligence.

From: Phyllis Capstick, Hellifield, Skipton.

RE the Chilcot report and 
Tony Blair. What Saddam Hussein did seems minuscule in comparison, and we all know his fate.