YP Letters: Council's claim of poverty is full of potholes

Leeds City Council is accused of wasting money when potholes need repairing.Leeds City Council is accused of wasting money when potholes need repairing.
Leeds City Council is accused of wasting money when potholes need repairing.
From: Shaun Kavanagh, Leeds.

LEEDS City Council repairs to potholes have, historically, been seen as “botched” at best.

Now LCC, via a spokesperson, is saying it needs more than the £1.7m it intends to spend repairing and preventing potholes this year while claiming extra finance should come from central funding.

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What does LCC do with 
the exorbitant amount of 
money obtained from motorists at every given opportunity for parking etc? It certainly doesn’t appear to be used to support the motorists from whom it is gathered.

LCC wastes millions on unnecessary projects and those which never leave the drawing board, writing off millions 
due to inefficient administration and paying exorbitant salaries to the fat cats in the Civic Hall, plus the likelihood of unnecessary staff around the council’s domain.

The council should look at itself and display honesty and integrity when introducing unwanted projects, wasting millions, writing off vast amounts and, perhaps worst of all, raising council taxes to above inflation which has a negative impact on households.

LCC needs to get real and start applying a common sense approach to what is really 
needed in the current climate.