Last club: EvertonLast club: Everton
Last club: Everton

14 free agents available to Leeds United including ex-Manchester United, QPR, Everton and Chelsea men

Leeds United’s squad has changed quite drastically since the beginning of the season.

Whites boss Daniel Farke started the campaign with a threadbare squad, resorting to naming two goalkeepers on the bench more than once.

However, a flurry of activity in the transfer window left the squad looking considerably healthier by the time the summer window ended.

The impact of this has been significant – Leeds currently look like a side capable of sealing an immediate return to the Premier League.

Clubs cannot afford to get comfortable though, as injuries and clubs seeking your star players can pounce.

If Leeds do indeed have their squad depleted again, the free agent market may prove useful.

There is a lot of experience and talent available to snap up for free, including players with Premier League experience and international caps.

Here are 14 free agents available to Leeds should disaster strike in the near future.

The impact of this has been significant – Leeds currently look like a side capable of sealing an immediate return to the Premier League.