Harrogate does Hip Hop event

Since he released his first mixtape, Abstract Views, in 2013, Lence has evolved into one of the North’s most progressive rappers.His headlining appearance at 'Harrogate does Hip Hop' in Harrogate’s North Bar's upstairs room on Friday, June 15 will be preceded by a selection of some of the greatest moments from hip hop history.Inspired by the likes of Wu-Tang Clan, this event is presented at the North Bar by the town’s longest-established music night Charm on Friday, June 15.The fiercely intelligent musican and producer Lence is a former Harrogate resident and it will be a bit of a homecoming gig.Known for his hard-hitting beats and atmospheric videos filmed in the dead of night in the heart of urban Leeds, Lence has won acclaim for his forward-thinking lyrics and sophisticated musical backdrops – like Wu Tang-Clan meets Massive Attack with a splash of Eminem.Lence said: “I really want to connect with the listener through passion and emotion.“My new track The Portal follows on from my last release The Brink. For The Brink I had a clear picture in my mind of what I wanted the video to look like and I made sure the lyrics fitted it.“I wanted The Portal to represent a new level of progression. In order to have full control I direcrted the filming myself while my usual director Imran Naushad edited the footage.“The beats were made by a producer I’ve been working with recently called Minos.”Audiences can all expect classic recorded tracks from the likes of Jay Z, Wu-Tang Clan, Grandmaster Flash, Kendrick Lamar, Public Enemy, Kanye West, A Tribe Called Quest and Run DMC.Tickets are available now from Harrogate Theatre in person or online.