How Bradford cyber security firm ECSC saw its revenue grow in 2021 to £6.14m

Cyber security firm ECSC saw its revenue grow for the year ended December 31, 2021, with the Bradford-based firm also revealing that it had agreed a new £1m loan.

Revenue was up 8 per cent to £6.14m from £5.66m the previous year. It's Assurance division revenue growth was up 15 per cent to £3.12m. The firm's Managed Detection & Response (MDR) division saw recurring revenue growth rise 7 per cent to £2.59m.

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Ian Mann, CEO of ECSC, said: "We are delighted to report growth across both our MDR and Assurance divisions, which is a testament to the continued efforts and expertise of the team.

"We are also pleased to have secured the new loan which will assist us in pursuing our growth plans.

The firm is based in Bradford.The firm is based in Bradford.
The firm is based in Bradford.

"Cyber security continues to be a key priority for all businesses, with most now recognising the importance in investing in key solutions in order to avoid costly breaches and disruptive down time."

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Prior to the end of the period, ECSC entered a five-year £1m loan agreement with BOOST&Co to provide additional funding to support the group's overall organic growth plans.

The loan is secured over the group's assets and attracts interest at 9 per cent per annum. The loan agreement includes the option for the Company to increase the size of the loan to £1.5m.


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